Safety Plan

Planning for your safety is a process of looking at your situation and assessing what you might need in place to help you and or your children feel safe. Leaving an abusive situation is the most dangerous time therefore planning your safety is essential to your families’ wellbeing.
Your safety plan must be relevant to your needs and be adapted if your situation changes. It needs to incorporate an escape plan as well as strategies to improve your home and personal safety and security.
Safety planning is about taking proactive steps to improve you and your children’s safety and take back control of your life. Whether you decide to stay or leave right now, it is important you are prepared.
Safety plan considerations
Essential items to pack when leaving:
- Drivers Licence
- Birth Certificates – own and children
- Passports and Immigration papers
- Pension / Health Care Card
- Purse or Wallet
- Money or Bank cards
- Eftpos cards
- Insurance papers
- Copy of FVRO or Police orders
- Lease or Rental Agreement
- Family Court Orders
- Legal documents
- Car Registration documents
- House and Car keys (hidden in garden)
- Medications
- Mobile phone and charger
- Change of clothes yourself and children
- Any reassuring personal items (children’s teddies / blanket / comforter)
Helpful safety planning tips
- Try to choose an area with an exit route
- Stay away from the kitchen as the abuser may access weapons e.g. knives
- Ensure that children are safe. Get them to call the Police or go to a neighbour
- Take phone and go into a safe room in the house that has a lockable door where you can call for help
- Call 000 from your mobile for the Police or local Police number if you know it
- If safe, grab your purse before you leave
- Once out of the home go to a safe place i.e. police station, neighbours, hospital etc
- Keep the Emergency, Police, Crisis Care number close at hand and keep some change or a phone card on you at all times in case of an emergency
- Pre-program local Police phone number into your phone
- Have your handbag and purse keys easily accessible
- If your exit point door is locked, have keys hanging on the wall near the door
- Have a spare set of car keys hidden outside if possible
- Have a recent photo of the perpetrator to give to the Police or refuge
- Speak to the Police or Court Advocate to apply for a Family Violence Restraining Order (FVRO)
- Leave money, an extra set of keys, copies of important documents, medications and clothes with someone you trust so you can quickly leave the home if you have to
- Practice how to get out of your home safely with your children
- Devise a code word to use with your children, family and friends
- Have a plan for where you will go if you have to leave the home
- Reverse your car into the driveway for easy access when leaving
- Review your safety plan as often as possible to make sure it works