people to overcome
violence and abuse
for over 30 years
OVIS are the Primary Provider of Family and Domestic Violence (FDV) in the Peel Region.
We believe in a future where all people feel safe from violence and abuse.
We’re here to empower others, create meaningful connections and break the
cycle of violence across the Peel Region.
From crisis accommodation to innovative prevention programs, we’re
courageous in our campaign for a safer tomorrow.
Do you ever feel unsafe due to violence or abuse?
Our priority is to help you find safety, security and stability. Although it may feel overwhelming right now, you don’t have to go through this alone. Your safety is our priority, so please seek support.
Our Services


Early Intervention


Together, let’s create a future
free from violence.
What is family and domestic violence?
Violence and abuse comes in many forms. It is controlling behaviour that aims to dominate the other person physically, psychologically, emotionally, socially, sexually or financially.
If you alter behavior because you are frightened of how the person will react, it is likely that you are being abused.